When you’re a kid, you dream like the world has endless possibilities and you can achieve just about anything you put your mind to. Somewhere along the line, I guess we get jaded by the trials and tribulations of life and start to adjust those dreams and settle for less. I see it in myself from time to time, and I have to snap myself out of it and think big again. Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes I think we can change our mind on what it is we want. What I want today may be different from ten years ago, but some of my dreams remain the same as well. I think also as you grow up, what is important to you becomes different. Like quality time with family is one thing I value. I want to provide a lifestyle for my family that I dreamed of, and that lifestyle I hope will provide the freedom to be with my family here in LA and even in Australia. This life is short, so I value more my family and friends. A dream of mine that I have these days is to be closer to them more and more. And that is an example of something that maybe wasn’t as much on my mind a few years back as it is today.
In terms of dreaming big, I see it in my son and the way he looks at the world, that there is no limit to what he believes he can achieve. In a sense, I see a lot of myself in him and the way I used to think as a kid. I also dreamed for the stars and totally believed I would reach them and still do. With this new year now upon us well and truly, I had decided that this year was going to be big and going to be one of expansion. It starts with the decision of course. Everything flows from that initial decision. I think I have been guilty of settling in the past few years, and I realized I need to think bigger and, I guess in a way, think like a kid again and reach for the stars. I think, for myself, I believe we can always be better than what we are doing even if we are seemingly doing a lot. The old saying of dream, believe, achieve does ring true in this sense even if a little cliché. But if you think you can’t, you have already halfway defeated yourself. I have always been of the belief that if there’s a will there’s a way, and I like to surround myself with people of the same mindset. Because if you surround yourself with naysayers, they will bring you down. Obviously, that doesn’t mean a bunch of yes men would be any better because sometimes you need to be pulled up from time to time. A dressing down by the wife is sometimes the catalyst for my biggest successes. With that said, I am determined to make this year great and hope to look back on this year at the end of having ticked a few boxes of what I have set out for myself. By adjusting my thinking to think bigger and think in terms of better, I believe it will be a success! So, here’s to dreaming like a kid again and creating the life you want!