The Sunday Paper: Running

I feel like a lot of successful people exercise and swear by it in their daily/weekly routine. Exercise is so good for so many reasons. I, for one, feel invigorated and have far more energy, and I feel as though it steels me to face any obstacle that was previously unconfrontable. I also get a lot of great ideas either design-wise or as solutions to problems I was trying to fix. I even saw this in the movie Air. When faced with a big decision, Phil Knight went for a run and saw the answer. It clears one’s head for clarity, in my experience, in addition to the health benefits that it provides and aids in one's overall well-being. It has been an invaluable tool for me in the successful actions I have taken to succeed. When I can’t exercise, which has been the case for a couple months due to an injury, I don’t feel as fulfilled as when I can. So getting back into it, I notice the difference once again and remember why I love it so much.

The Sunday Paper: Running

Running definitely is something I enjoy doing. I know some people may find it utterly boring, but for me it is a time to decompress and get out of my head. When I do that, I see the solution and I feel much better. Running has always worked for me. The other thing I like is that it’s just me against myself from yesterday. I am not concerned with where others are at. I am just concerned with myself and bettering myself from the day before, and I think that is a good analogy on how to live life. Comparing oneself to others can really take away from the great successes one has had. Everyone is unique and everyone’s path is different, and whether I am starting from zero or halfway towards my goal, I am always just looking for that 1% improvement each and every day. It’s the same with my designs, I look for that improvement. I think that is what I love about sport and exercise is the analogies for life one can form from it. Life is a marathon; sometimes it requires a sprint ,and sometimes it requires the steady patience of just that little bit extra each and everyday and knowing that it will add up to big things down the line.

Enjoy your Sunday!
Daniel Patrick

The Sunday Paper: Running