There is no question that life can be tough at times. I feel it. There are times when I feel like giving up, as fleeting as those may be, but I push forward and forge ahead. My mentality since day one is there is aways a solution, and you just have to find it. With some of the things that we have gotten through as a company we should not even be here today, and the fact that we are is a true testament to our perseverance. It is one thing to have a great product and great designs, which I know we do, but it is quite another thing to run a business and a successful one at that. Success in my mind is determined by how you handle each challenge that comes your way. Some of those problems can be internal problems and others can be external, but the thing is to confront it and not avoid it because an avoided problem just continues to grow bigger and bigger. The things put off today will haunt you tomorrow. And of course we haven’t always got it right, and we have learned just as much from those failures as we did from our successes. But winning in the game of life or in business does require one to be right more times than one is wrong.
It is definitely a tough world, and it requires a certain tenacity to succeed and putting yourself in the best frame of mind to achieve that. For me, that is why I look after my diet and make sure I am having enough protein, getting the right vitamins, as well as enough water and also exercising. You may not be an athlete, but that disciplined athlete approach is necessary to succeed, in my opinion. When I am upbeat I see solutions better than when I am downtrodden, and sometimes for me it’s taking a walk or run and grabbing a coffee and quick bite to eat that can get me just enough space to come up with the right solution. I love what I do, and in order to keep being able to do that, I have to keep the business succeeding. And that requires a certain level of ingenuity and a great partner. I am very fortunate that I have a very supportive wife that is integral to the success of the business and has my back no matter what. To the future we go!