The Sunday Paper: Passion

For me, fashion is my passion. I love creating new products that make people look and feel good. My aim is to raise people up in this way. My favourite thing to do is ideate new ideas. Sometimes this can be stressful but a gift at the same time, and let me explain why that is. A torrent of ideas presents me with a problem. I gotta get these out of my head and brought to life ASAP. That is how I feel. The faster I can do this, the better it is for my own state of mind, but also the better it is for us as a business. The speed of which you can execute an idea is vitally important, as long as you don’t compromise the quality and the details with that speed. I’m not a huge fan of fast fashion; I much prefer slow fashion done fast. This is where you are as meticulous as possible and able to do this with speed. Being able to do this gets easier with experience.

The Sunday Paper: Passion

Some of the best ideas I have are ones where I don’t sit down and contemplate about them; they just come to me. If I try to rack my brain for that great idea, it doesn’t come that way. I need to see the idea, and sometimes it’ll come a day or two after I started searching. I feel if I get stagnate, the best thing I can do is get some space from the activity. And when I do, I see the solution for a problem, whether that be taking a walk, going for a coffee or taking a drive. I was thinking about this today when I was driving. If you love doing something, you can’t treat it as a hobby. You have to treat it as a professional. Because if it’s a hobby it doesn’t matter as much, but as a professional you have a responsibility to make sure that that product is ready to be consumed. If you care enough and have a passion for something, be a pro at it rather than an amateur just because it’s just a hobby.  In saying that, I know I can do better and get better at what I do, and I strive to do that with each new product and each new production run. Things can always get better, and I love that fact. Do well!
Daniel Patrick

The Sunday Paper: Passion