The Sunday Paper: New Year's Resolutions

A week or so into the new year, and it’s a good time for change. I usually make those changes a week or so before New Year’s. Why wait, right? I also don’t just wait until the new year to make changes. But in saying that, it is a good opportunity to re-evaluate your life and what you achieved in the year gone by and what you want to achieve in the year ahead. I have decided to make this year great, and I intend to do so through action. That is one resolution that I have made. I’ve also made some dietary changes (and feel amazing) and plan to add some exercise changes as well. This gives me the ability to be the best I can be as a designer and even as a husband and parent, and that is important to make this year great.

The Sunday Paper: New Year's Resolutions

Last year had some highlights and great memories, and now it's time to create even more highlights and memories this time around. Some of the things I want to achieve this year is to spend even more time in my homeland with my family and friends. After 8 years away, it was amazing to finally return home last year, and it's something I want to keep in every year and even expand upon as well. I have a few projects too in the works that I want to launch this year that will take shape as the year progresses, but unfortunately I can’t say too much just yet. But we also plan to launch our denim again and another new category which will be our knitwear. I also plan to improve what we already do great at as well. I am a firm believer that everything can be improved, and those 1% improvements have added up over the years to where we are at right now. Lots of travel and expansion on the cards this year. Business and pleasure. From New York to London to Paris and the Middle East, as well as Australia. That is the plan for this year, all while expanding the footprint of the brand. It’s a new day and a new year and new opportunity to learn and get better. Let’s get it!
Daniel Patrick

The Sunday Paper: New Year's Resolutions