When I find something that works, I like to keep that thing in and continue to do it. Sometimes however, for whatever reason, I will do something that works and forget about it and then realize later when I do it again man why did I stop doing that? There are other times when things perhaps aren’t going as well as usual, and I like to look for what changed, what action did I stop doing that I was doing before when things were going well? Life tends to ebb and flow and, from my experience, is not a straight line to success. There are ups and there are downs, but you just have to keep showing up. That has been the key for me over the years: no matter what, I keep showing up. That is why we are 12 years in and still standing. It definitely has not been a smooth ride by any means, but I always say, if it was easy, everyone would do it.
One thing I noticed this week that contributed to some successes was exercise and working out. I started doing HIIT workouts with my trainer Corey Calliet. I noticed that my energy levels have been higher, and I'm more upbeat and coming up with new and better ideas. I genuinely believe that exercise directly impacts creativity in a positive way. For example, I watched the movie “Air” this past week, and Phil Knight would come up with a decision after going for a run. I even came up with this week’s Sunday Paper on the drive downtown after my workout. I thought about this deeper too as to why it is that exercise helps this. I figured, from what I could observe, that when you feel good and are upbeat, you make better decisions and come up with better ideas. When you don’t perhaps feel your best and are a little down, you make poorer decisions and are probably more inclined to be less creative. That’s just my observation and my opinion. But looking at it, I was thinking when I am angry on the road, let’s say, and am suffering from a bit of road rage, my decision-making on the road is poorer, bad lane choices etc. But when I just stay calm and above the noise, things go smoother. Exercise helps put me in that state of calmness and a sense of being above the noise. Exercise also has so many other benefits as well, from being healthy and feeling good in this way and also looking good, which also makes you feel better too. And if my purpose is to help make people look good, I should embody that purpose in myself. That’s just my two cents anyway. Enjoy your Sunday, and have a great week ahead!