The Sunday Paper: Green

I have a lot of love and inspiration from the color green. I know it’s a strange concept to dedicate a Sunday Paper to a single color, but I was jotting down bullet point ideas for future newsletters, and this came to mind. There is a lot more to the color than meets the eye in my opinion, and fittingly St Patrick’s Day just passed and coincidentally had nothing to do with this choice. From Green Defenders to British Racing Green Range Rovers, to lush green landscapes, football fields and soccer pitches, I dig it and it in some way inspires the clothing I make. I think the color itself reminds me of England, and I do draw some influence in some things that I do from the British. Perhaps that has something to do with my upbringing in Australia, it being a Commonwealth nation or my love of the English Premier League growing up or even one of my favorite movies ‘The Gentleman’.

The Sunday Paper: Green

I particularly love the combination that green has with our ash heather grey fleece items, as seen in our new varsity sweatshirt, which was a spontaneous move at the 11th hour and one I think paid dividends in the result.  I am even sampling a new green colored shopping bag as we speak. I have always loved shades of green whether it be olive green, sage green or hunter green or the like. There is just something to it. And as some of you may have seen over the years, I am a fan of green camo as well, and as a side note even the almighty dollar itself is green. Now I am not saying this is the greatest color to grace God’s green earth, but it certainly is up there for me and has been a solid addition to the Daniel Patrick color palette over the past ten years. So, I am using this Sunday Paper as an ode to the color green. Enjoy your Sunday!
Daniel Patrick

The Sunday Paper: Green