There’s nothing like that inner drive to succeed. That will to win that takes us to new heights when the odds are stacked against us and gets us up in the morning with the excitement to chase our dreams. There are those that should’ve made it and didn’t and those that shouldn’t and did. What is the missing element? I believe it is this drive to succeed and the will to best any obstacle no matter how steep. I sit here today having come a long way forward from where I started, and through it all, I probably should’ve failed many times over by now. As a matter of fact, I have failed many times and faced many obstacles and am still here looking to expand and keep going. You learn a lot from the failures, as you do the wins. Life is tough, but we move forward nonetheless. There is so much more to achieve, and that is what drives me. And I truly believe hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard. I thank KD for that last line. But it is true. In college, I don’t think I was the most gifted, but I was the most driven to succeed and my vision developed over time. My aesthetic developed over time, and I am excited for the future.
My mentality is: there is more to go. And while I think it is healthy to appreciate how far you’ve come, never losing sight of that mountain top is the way forward for me. Step by step. Some days may be a step back but ultimately looking at moving forward and striving for that. That will to win was honed on the rugby field and on the training paddock as a kid and has taken me where I want to go. It is also developed through hard work and dedication. It is my duty to achieve success, and I take that personally. My path may be different to yours (and we all start somewhere) but it’s where we end up, not where we start. That old cliché. I don’t regret yesterday because I have that drive in me today to create the future I envisioned when I started out in this fashion game. That includes having the ability to create what I want when I want and go where I want when I want. Essentially creative freedom and the freedom of time is what we are striving for. Sure, money helps that, but to me that is just a byproduct of success. And if I create amazing products that make people look good and feel good, that stuff will take care of itself. The drive is the purpose to do better and achieve that end of making people feel and look good and give them the confidence to attack their day and their goals. We are all in this together, and we can all win.