The Sunday Paper: Attitude

It’s amazing what a change of attitude can accomplish in life. Sometimes some tough love is exactly what is needed to get through to someone, and I’ve noticed that to be true with myself. You can either take it personally or reflect on some hard truths and either feel offended by it or make the necessary adjustments to oneself. It goes a long way, and it’s definitely refreshing. I find with myself it’s quite easy to see where I need to change and make the relevant changes to do so. A change of attitude to any endeavor can be the thing that turns it around and be the difference between success or failure. I find when I neglect any part of life and then decide to do something about it, then change is possible and success is possible. I’ve found this with my designs, my diet and even my relationships in life. All areas of life can be improved if one just decides to create on it.

The Sunday Paper: Attitude

For example, I decided to elevate our product and went about creating on that, and the stuff I’ve been working on has achieved that aim in my view. Now in the pipeline, we have knitwear on the way, jewelry, denim, wool and leather. I also decided to create on my vision of a lifestyle brand and have some logs on the fire in that regard too. I even hadn’t been by my Melrose store in quite some time with all the traveling to work on the product, and now I have a bunch of ideas on creating a better in-store experience as well. I want my store to be even more special than it already is. In my view, everything can get better. And if you aren’t always looking for improvement, you can get complacent and that is the biggest killer to any business. It’s exciting for me because also when I put my attention on something and the ideas start flowing, it can be quite an avalanche of creative ideas that overwhelms me and keeps me up at night and excites me to get to work on them in the morning. We have such a great team striving forward for the brand. And even though this may be my name on the wall, I couldn’t do it alone. But I also need to contribute to their great work and steer the ship. I’m here to build a lifestyle brand and leave a legacy. This journey has been about purpose to me and rekindling that purpose. Remembering why I set out on this journey when I did is an exciting thing, and I’m excited for the future. I’d love to open more DP stores down the line, and our flagship will be the blueprint for that.
Daniel Patrick

The Sunday Paper: Attitude