As a kid, I had an eye to America. Moving here was the most exciting and most challenging thing I’ve ever done. 13 years later, it still is. I grew up with a dream to live in America, and I also grew up with a dream to play pro Rugby League in Australia like my father. Those two dreams couldn’t co-exist as Rugby League wasn’t an American sport. And although it still isn’t, the steps the NRL (National Rugby League) is taking to bring the game here to the American audience excites me and the two dreams are now co-existing. It may not be on field, but my fashion journey has fulfilled many childhood dreams. Ones I had as an athlete are being realized as a designer funnily, and the intersection of sports and fashion and culture are coming together fittingly.
Will Rugby League succeed here in America? Time will tell. But if they stay the course and take the right actions, they will for sure get somewhere. America in my mind is where you come to make it! I am behind the push 100%. I liken it to the NFL’s push into new markets, like games in Mexico and London and even Germany and Spain. I’m looking forward to the games in Las Vegas and to the future of the NRL here in America.
Shop the limited-edition DP x NRL collection here.