I feel the most joy and the most alive when I am busy and working on my purpose and creating new things, new ideas and bringing them to life. As the CEO and Creative Director of the company, the day-to-day can be challenging and busy, to say the least. I am constantly pursuing new areas of growth and that is what drives me. Every day, I look forward to getting up in the morning to work on it. Of course being a parent gives me a smaller window with which to do this, but at the same time it forces me to become more efficient. Sometimes I surprise myself at what I can get done in a given amount of time. I love a full to-do list, and I like to plan out my day the night before and work from this to-do list. The day needs to be created, otherwise I believe the day will run you instead of the other way around. Trying to get into things instead of trying to get out of things has always been a key for me, and I am constantly looking for new areas - like fragrance or skincare or candles - with which to create, as the end goal is a lifestyle brand. And the old cliché that happiness lies in the journey, not the destination could not be truer. I enjoy new problems and finding solutions to these problems as that is the game of life, and the better I do this the better things will go.
One of the keys for me is taking care of myself physically and mentally so that I can be at my best. Exercise helps me a lot, and a good diet and enough sleep are essential to be my best. Life is a sport, and being at my best helps me to perform at my best and solve problems as best I can. There is nothing more fulfilling than working on your purpose, and money itself is not the fulfillment but the byproduct of one’s success. Of course though, the more successful I am the more I get to work more and more on this purpose of mine and that is what drives me. I love creating new spaces, new stores, new products. It’s even more enjoyable to see people look good in them and feel good in them. That is my goal and my purpose in life: to make people look good and feel good. That starts with me setting the example and extends from there. I have by no means reached my potential in this area, and that is also what drives me. Striving to be better each day and with each new product. Perfection is an unattainable goal. That means to me that something can always get better, and that is where my attention is focused on and is what makes a better product each time around. I look for the good in my products and isolate the things that could be improved and go about improving them. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing a new product come to life, and it is exactly if not better than how you pictured it. So with that, I look forward to creating the future and improving upon the past with the end goal of creating aesthetics in human appearance. I strongly believe that if you look good, you feel good and you tend to do better.